study published in the October issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine had similar results as this new research from the CDC.
- 43 percent of unmarried teenage girls and 42 percent of unmarried teenage boys have had sexual intercourse at least once by age 19
- In 2002, 45.5 percent of girls and 45.7 percent of boys had had sex by age 19
- "The birth rate for teenagers 15 to 19 during the period was 39 per 1,000, the lowest ever recorded in the United States. (The rate in Canada was 14 per 1,000; in Germany, 10 per 1,000; and in Italy, 7 per 1,000.) Teenage birth rates in the United States have been declining since 1991 and vary considerably by race and ethnicity."
- "The most common reason both girls and boys gave for never having had sex was that doing so was against their religion or morals; that has always been the primary reason in previous surveys, too, Dr. Martinez said. But the second-most-common reason among boys in the current survey was that they had not yet found the right person, a distinct change from 2002, when the No. 2 reason was that they did not want to get a girl pregnant."
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