Monday, January 16, 2012
Good Summary of the Black Genocide Arguments
...But many abortion foes focus on the sheer numbers involved.
Catherine Davis, minority outreach director for Georgia Right to Life, visits black college campuses, bringing the message that abortion is a destructive force for blacks. She often screens a movie called "Maafa 21," made by Texas antiabortion group Life Dynamics, alleging that blacks have been targeted for abortions since the end of slavery by white elites fearful of uncontrolled population growth.
"Let me put it this way," Davis said, "18,870,000 black babies have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. If those babies hadn't been aborted, we would be 59 million strong -- over 19% of the population."
While the abortion rate among black women is higher than average, so is the birth rate. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2006 the black birth rate was 16.5 per 1,000 women of childbearing age compared with 14.2 per 1,000 for all women.
Most black women who have abortions are already mothers or plan to have children later, Cullins said.
The statistics are not persuasive for Alveda King, a niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
"I know for sure that the black community is being targeted by abortionists for the purpose of ethnic cleansing," said King, a Georgia Right to Life board member who had two abortions before a religious conversion in 1983. "How can the dream survive if we are willing to sacrifice the futures of our children?"
In a scenario popularized by abortion foes, the culprit is Planned Parenthood, whose clinics are often located in poor communities where the need for subsidized healthcare is greatest. [1]
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