Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mudd? Bahrain: Doctors imprisoned for treating the sick

STEVE CANNANE, PRESENTER: A military court in Bahrain has sentenced a group of medical staff to up to 15 years in prison after they treated anti-government demonstrators.
At least 30 people died and hundreds were injured when the Sunni regime, supported by troops, rushed in from neighbouring Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

They cracked down on pro-democracy protesters there in March.

The doctors and nurses were found guilty on charges including incitement to overthrow the government, stealing medicine and occupying a hospital.

The medicos say they were only doing their duty by treating the injured.

This report from the BBC's Caroline Hawley. 
CAROLINE HAWLEY, REPORTER: These are some of the medics now facing years in gaol. Top doctors, including surgeons, paediatricians, as well as the head of nursing at Bahrain's main hospital.
(Footage from inside Salmaniya Medical Complex during Bahrain clashes in February)
It was to here that the wounded were brought during clashes this year. Doctors and nurses saw, spoke out and, in some cases, protested about the actions of the security forces.
Today's verdicts were handed down by a special security court set up under Bahrain's emergency rule earlier this year.
At a hearing that lasted just a few minutes the medics were found guilty of charges described by human rights groups as ludicrous.
Dr Fatima Hadji is accused of spreading blood on protesters to exaggerate their injuries. She told us she was beaten in custody and threatened with rape before being released on bail. She showed us pictures of her baby son, who she fears she may not see again for five years. 
FATIMA HADJI, DOCTOR: We are waiting for them. Any time someone will knock at the door and we will be taken to jail. 
CAROLINE HAWLEY: She insists she did nothing wrong. 
FATIMA HADJI: I had a huge number of patients coming into emergency and I had to take care of them. And I thought, and I still think, what I did is a total act of human caring, and I did my professional job. My duty is to receive patients in emergency and treat them, medical ones, and I did that. And I'm glad about that. 
CAROLINE HAWLEY: The government has accused the doctors and nurses of siding with hardliners demanding the overthrow of the government. 
ABDULAZIZ AL KHALIFA, INFORMATION MINISTER: They basically attempted a coup d'etat. And no-one is above the law. Neither if you're a doctor or a nurse or a member of the royal family. The law has to stick.
(Footage of protesters and police) 
CAROLINE HAWLEY: With international attention focused elsewhere in the Middle East, Bahrain's repression of dissent has continued.
These pictures apparently filmed last week.
The harsh sentences carried out today are unlikely to help this kingdom heal. Although the government says the can be appealed.[1]

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