Sunday, December 22, 2013

Walking with Feathers II

Yesterday, I wrote Walking with Feathers about how AiG seems inconsistent since they accept some Troodons, Dromaeosaurs, and Oviraptorosaurs had feathers, but find "no evidence" that other Troodons, Dromaeosaurs, and Oviraptorosaurs had feathers.  The definition of a "kind" is only going to grow broader and therefore the number of dinosaur "kinds" is only going to shrink.  It is hard to imagine how they count fifty.  Not only is increasing diversity going to decrease the number, but increasingly dinosaurs are being called birds by Answers in Genesis and the number is only going to grow.
Given the lack of visible feathers, the data about these ornithomimids remains inconclusive. Without definitive feathers, they may just be dinosaurs. Or they may be extinct birds, descendants of the birds God made in the beginning. God made all kinds of birds on the 5th day of Creation week and land animals such as dinosaurs on the 6th. And nothing about this study demonstrates the evolution of feathers or the evolution of birds.
To be fair, as much as some creationists seem to argue for a firm line between birds, created on Day 5, and dinosaurs, created on Day 6, there is no reason why such a distinction should exist.  God could easily create a crocoduck.

Instead of invoking a back-and-forth evolutionary process of land animals to birds and (in the case of oviraptorosaurs) back to land animals, how much more sensible it is to discard evolution altogether and to accept special creation instead! Owing to the fact that the Creator was under no obligation to use a nested hierarchy of created living things, at least in every case, it is not difficult to understand why evolutionists have such problems in their attempts to force ‘nonavian’ and ‘avian’ traits into any sort of evolutionary lineage.
If you could plot all the distinct created “kinds” of organisms on a graph, based on their features, you would see that God filled the graph with a tapestry of distinct kinds. Between these different kinds God scattered mosaics.1 For instance, between deer and antelope kinds He put pronghorns; between raccoon and bear kinds* He put pandas; and so it goes...All examples of evolutionary links that have ever been claimed, such as australopithecines**(between tree-dwelling apes and earth-dwelling humans), archaeocetes (between quadrupeds and modern whales), mammal-like reptiles (between reptiles and mammals), Archaeopteryx(between reptiles and birds), and Tiktaalik and Acanthostega (between fish and amphibians) are, in fact, mosaics, not links.
*Pandas are placed in the bear kind in the recent paper on Mammalian Ark Kinds.
**Australopithecus sediba was called an earth-dwelling human by a 2010 creationist paper.

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