Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bundy, Fischer, Jeffress, Islam, Christianity

In the comment section on someone's fan page I made the following comment about this image.
Like Christianity, Islam is a spectrum. There are still Christians who argue that the 1st Amendment only applies to Christians, that women should stay home/submit to their husbands, and that homosexuality should be illegal. How few of these Christians condemned Cliven Bundy's call to arms.
There were two replies.
I have ministered to and have met many, many Christians from various denominations, and have never met one who said the 1st Amendment applies only to Christians. Do they teach that at Kent State or what? Cliven Bundy did not call anyone to arms. Quite the opposite. Hope you get an "A: in PolySci for that liberal whopper.
And this one.
Hi, [my name]. An essential difference between Christianity and Islam is found in the two Basic Manuals; the Bible makes it clear that noone must be coerced into believing in Christ; the Koran makes it very clear that people must be coerced into believing in Islam. Examples of coercion in the history of Christianity were carried out by people who knew their position was not supported by the Bible. Note too that the greatest freedoms, starting with freedom of conscience, religion and expression, happened first in Christian countries. There too you find the greatest and longest sustainable development in culture, arts, sciences, philosophy, economy and government. As people uncritically accept secular humanism (atheism by another name), these things erode quickly, as noted by 20th Century atheistic movements of fascism, communism and nazism--not to mention Vorwoerd's most virulent Apartheid. I expect our American political leaders to know history, philosophy (especially ethics, moral philosophy) backwards and forwards. We unfortunately have not always elected the best in this regard. Best regards.
I made the following reply.
One, I am not a liberal. Two, Fischer, radio host for the AFA and Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Dallas both argue that the word "religion" in the First Amendment only applies to Christianity. I doubt they teach it at Kent State, but it is taught on Christian radio and in a pulpit at Dallas. Bundy never condemned the idea of these militia preparing to kill police officers. Hundreds of armed people gathered to stop officers from enforcing the law. American Islam has never done such a thing.

[His name omitted], I said that Christianity is a spectrum. Yes there were deists arguing the Renaissance and Baptists arguing for separation of church and state. One of the reasons that we needed separation of church and state was forced conversion. Children were required to be baptized by law in many places. Fascism and Nazism were not necessarily Atheistic.
 I would like to also note that no one challenged that there are still Christians who argue "women should stay home/submit to their husbands, and that homosexuality should be illegal."  I am more worried about these Christians, because there are more of them in the states.

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