Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Contradictory messages

Recently ICR posted the image above to their facebook.  As I wrote in Millions of these part two and Ray's take on humankind, I think that some creationists like to pull a bait and switch.  The gentleman on the far right is clearly Homo sapien and he tells the other three that "We're not related".  However the gentleman second from the right is generally Homo erectus or a Neanderthal and both are considered part of humankind by most creationists.  

There seems to be two contradictory messages here.  Homo sapiens are related to Homo erectus, except when they are not.  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Nevada Ranch Stand Off

“We the people in this area have nothing to fear,” said Bundy, wearing a cowboy hat and a T-shirt bearing his family name. “We can carry our weapons if we like because we have Second Amendment rights, and those are God-given rights. Those Second Amendment rights are our rights. But, and I say ‘but,’ because we don’t have to carry them right now because we’re afraid. I’m telling you that right now. Because there’s been a lot of people who’ve been afraid, and I know that feeling. Just yesterday evening I was really afraid. … Today, we have been confirmed by our creator that we do not have to be afraid.
Then read a little further down
Just afterward, rancher Bundy demanded that Gillespie disarm all National Park Service employees who work on federal lands, saying that the land belongs to the people and that they should not have to endure federally armed agents while enjoying tourist sites such as the Red Rock National Conservation Area.

He asks the National Park Service employees to surrender their "God-given rights".  I agree that the 2nd Amendment has reasonable limits, but who made a guy with a small army the judge for the nation?  I do not understand the conservatives who back this guy or other would be tyrants who would appoint themselves the judge of our constitution instead of the legislature, executive, and judicial branches that document enshrines.