Thursday, May 17, 2012

Querky Things that I Believe

Querky things that I believe.

1. “I want to know God not Theology” is an oxymoron.

2. Some parts of the Bible are dependent on Systematic Theology (AKA Job).

3. Unlike USA Today the Bible was not written on a 5th grade level.

4. The Dead Sea Scrolls may not always be right.

5. Saying “I don’t believe in election (occurring about 20 plus times)” is like saying “I don’t believe in the Seraphim (occurring only 7 times) or propitiation (occurring only 4 times)”. They are all words in the Bible. Don’t cut them out. Figure out what they mean.

6. The Lord of the Rings is longer than the Bible, in my opinion you should read both. (The Harry Potter series is three times longer than the Bible.)

7. “I am reading Tom Sawyer” connotes that you will finish the book. Why does “I am reading the Bible” not connote the same thing?

8. If you wrote music or a book, would you expect your spouse to read/listen to them?

9. “I believe in a God I have never seen, because of a book I have never read,” gets old.

10. What Would Jesus Do? Jesus learned Greek and Hebrew.

11. If not believing in inerrancy means you are no longer a Baptist, then what about not believing in religious liberty?

12. You always find time to do what is most important to you.

13. It is ok to ask what ever question you want, just make sure you come up with the right answers.

14. Parts of the Bible are more racy than Desperate Housewives.

15. In the Bible, there is no prohibition against drinking alcohol or gambling. There is also no prohibition against abortion. Refer back to #2.

16. Sometimes the solution is worse than the problem.

17. You do not measure a man's greatness by his wealth or power but by what it takes to discourage him.

18. It is dangerous to tell someone to read the Bible when you have not read it youself.

19. I am starting to think that we need to have Catechisms before we baptize people. People should know what they are signing up for.

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