Thursday, June 21, 2012

Things that Frustrate me and Please me

Things that frustrate me...

1. Topical preaching is almost always more entertaining than exegetical preaching.

2. Following Christ to the disciples meant memorizing every word that Jesus said. Today when following Christ you don't have to read every word of Christ.

3. The more people read their Bibles the less unified they become.

4. If so little revelation is needed to live the Christian life and even less is needed for salvation, one wonders why God used the limited space in the Bible for a word like propitiation.

5. People will defend the free will of man, but when they mess up they defend that the soveriegnity of God will not allow for their mistake to impact the church negatively.

Things that please me...

1. God's excellence/majesty is by experience. Like the taste of honey, one cannot find it in a book, even His book.

2. God knew exactly what He was getting into when He chose us.

3. God sees us. Jehovah Roi, baby!

4. It is the Holy Spirit that touches the heart, not me.

5. God wants to bless and connect with us.

6. Worship is more than talk. God is wiser than King Lear in Act One.

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