Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Noel Ignatiev largely agrees with Ken least on race

First, the video up above is utter crap.  The video is fifty-one seconds of a few small clips edited together in a ridiculously misleading way.  There might be some saving grace if there was a link to the original source, but alas the video producer could not bother giving us unedited video to  check his video.

I am apparently late to the ball.  Yesterday, I decided to look into the article about the subject of the above video, Noel Ignatiev.  A day earlier, Noel Sheppard (ironic, no?) had published an article using a satirical website as his primary source.  In Sheppard's defense, by the time I read the article he had updated the article with a note that he had probably been hoaxed.  However, he ended on this note: "If that's the case, I sincerely apologize for furthering the hoax, but not for putting sunlight on this man's well-documented vile beliefs."  By last night, even the Blaze was reporting that Ignatiev was receiving death threats as a result of this hoax.

While true that Ignatiev wants to see the white race abolished, he really does not think that the white race exists.  Created about four centuries ago, the white race, to Ignatiev, is a social construct with no genetic or biological basis.  According to Ignatiev and others, races do not scientifically exist and have been created by cultures.  Do not believe me?  Watch this unedited lecture.

You may be wondering who else believes such "well-documented vile beliefs."  Well, Answers in Genesis and Ken Ham have been teaching this for well over a decade.  AiG believes that there is only one race, the human race which arose from Adam and Eve.  Everything else was created by culture and has no scientific basis:

If the white race does not really exist, then why perpetuate it?  I really see no harm in abolishing a social construct.  

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