Sunday, November 10, 2013

Satan Fallacy

Paul Taylor at wrote an article alleging that Darwin plagiarized the idea of natural selection from Wallace.
However, if our presumption of plagiarism is correct, then the theory of evolution is Wallace’s, not Darwin’s. Darwin, who was practically an atheist, would not have been so open to outside manipulation of his thoughts but Wallace was not an atheist; he was a spiritualist. He always thought that the evolutionary theory had come to him from his spirit guides. Suppose he was right! The theory of evolution is a deception from the devil. Maybe it was easier to get the idea into the mind of a man already open to demonic influence, who would then be able to present it to an unimaginative, atheistic society man, for acceptance by society at large. That is why it is useful today to remember Wallace and his contribution to evolutionism, because the religion of evolution is clearly the object of much of today’s spiritual warfare.
Taylor, himself, mentions that most creationists do not think that Darwin plagiarized Wallace.  In fact, most historians do not think that he did either.  However, I want to focus on the devil.  A century later, how can Taylor demonstrate that these spirits were real and also therefore the devil.  Is it not also possible that these spirits were Wallace's fantasy?  Taylor just makes the jump.  If evolutionary theory came from spirit guides then it is a deception from the devil.  Spirit guides equal devil.

However, the devil had a particular input according to Taylor.
Darwin had, unbeknown to Wallace, been struggling with the possible mechanism for an evolutionary theory for many years. 
So according to Taylor, the devil merely provided the mechanism of natural selection.  These devil things tend to be circular.  People cannot see the truth, because Satan blinds them.  However, when you cannot see the truth or you find out the people were right in the first place, did Satan blind you?  People are wrong, because they believe Satan's lies.  Well, whose lies did you believe when you were wrong?  Satan is called the accuser of the brethren, in Revelation 12:10.  If that is all a person does all day, guess who that person is working for.  Well, did you just make an accusation?

Remember Taylor says the devil possibly gave Darwin the mechanism: natural selection.  As Taylor, himself, linked in the post he advocates using natural selection as a mechanism in creation science.
[Natural selection] is an observed, scientific phenomenon, whereas Darwinian evolution is not. Natural selection is not in the least problematic for creationists, as it is an inevitable part of the development of species within baramins. It should be noted that some creationists are working on alternative explanations as to how genetic information is selected, but most creationists are happy to use the term natural selection.
How does Taylor know that demonic influence has not provided creationism with the mechanism of natural selection?  After all, if Wallace received it from the devil, Darwin received it from Wallace, and Taylor received it from Darwin, there seems to be a clear line of demonic influence.

Personally, I think that we should adapt Godwin's law.  The first person to mention Satan loses the argument.

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