Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Were Some of the Seraphim, Pterosaurs?

The Hebrew word seraph or saraph is used 7 times in the Hebrew bible. The King James translates it as "fiery serpent" 3 times, twice as "fiery", and twice it is transliterated in Isaiah as "seraphim". [1]  Given the usage in the Old Testament, it is hard to escape the idea that the seraphim in Isaiah were winged serpents.  I remember hearing a lot about the word's relationship to the Hebrew verb saraph meaning "to burn".[2]  I do not remember hearing anything about the fact that almost everywhere, but Isaiah 6,  the word is translated fiery serpent.  Well, there is a interpretation of the Bible that the seraphim could be pterosaurs. 
"There is also mention of a flying serpent in the Bible: the “fiery flying serpent” (Isaiah 30:6). This could be a reference to one of the pterodactyls, which are popularly thought of as flying dinosaurs, such as the Pteranodon, Rhamphorhynchus, or Ornithocheirus."[3]

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