Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bachmann and taxes

  • Bachmann notes that the tax rate in 1950 was 5.8% of GDP.  
    • She credited this as the reason that women were able to stay home with their families.
    • The overall tax rate in 1950 was actually 24.6 percent, 3.1 percent less than the 2011 tax rate of 27.7 percent.
    • Since the average tax payer was paying near the same amount as today, it is hard to imagine this caused single earner households.
  • Bachmann argued that insurance agencies should be allowed to discriminate based pre-existing conditions.  
    • She argues that people with pre-existing conditions make insurance too expensive for the rest of us: "a cost to everyone who’s in this room.”
  • She also suggested that birth right citizenship could be banned through a new law without a Constitutional Amendment.[1]  

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