Thursday, October 13, 2011

EV's thoughts

Published On:Wednesday, August 12, 2009

By E.V.

I HAVE decided to speak up at this time because I am tired of the government introducing legislation without regard to the rights and protection of the entire populace and not just one segment of it.

Now it appears that they want to control the sacred marital bed which the Lord, the supreme and greater judge than all of us, has declared undefiled. Do you mean to tell me that we (men) are so smart that we know what is better for us than the Creator himself? God forbids. What right has government to control anyone's bedroom?

What is next on the agenda, are they going to then tell me how to run my family?

They could legislate the most sacred and intimate portion of my relationship with my wife. This is a private and personal matter.

I am sure that I speak for most men in this country when I say that rape is wrong, it is a vicious and violent act, and the punishment should be death. No one regardless of gender or status should be forced to have sex against their will, this is how I really feel about rape.

The family is the foundation of any society and what the government is effectively doing is destroying the foundation of this country. The man is the head of the home as Christ is the head of the church. Did the married members of parliament forget what the preacher read to them from the word of God when they stood before God and the many witnesses when they were married? Did they take their vows seriously or was this just a formality. No institution created by God or man could function effectively with two heads. There can be only one authoritative figure. Just ask our Prime Minister who makes this clear --as inferred by his statements-- as often as he can. What this proposed legislation is attempting to do is put the man in an unfavourable position. Men would now be afraid to put their foot down on family issues because when he goes to bed at night and has sexual relations with his wife and if she is a spiteful, conniving or unscrupulous person, she could then wake up in the morning and file a complaint against her husband just to get back at him.

Sex between husband and wife, which God ordained, then becomes a weapon. The woman could use her body as a weapon. If you want this then you better do this for me or you better behave in a certain way. Does the man have the same right? Absolutely not. Even though I am not condoning such acts. This legislation if passed would then effectively put the woman in charge of the home.

Because this weapon is so powerful this would essentially make the man a puppet in his own home. It is nothing short of holding a gun to the man's head. That is what I mean by the woman using her body as a weapon. After the man has sex with his wife, what is there to stop her from telling him do this or else, do that or else I will report you. It is not different from someone holding a gun to my head and telling me do this or else. It is a weapon.

If they want to outlaw something why don't they outlaw premarital or un-natural sex, which does far more harm to a country than sex between married couples?
Maybe then we would have more men thinking twice and taking responsibilities for their actions rather than leaving women to raise children on their own.

If the problem is domestic violence then deal with that but the government and the law has no right to be in a couple's bedroom. This is perhaps the most sacred event in the lives of husbands and wives and now the government wants to threaten it. Many of us got married so that we could experience a sexual relationship with the one we love without having a guilty conscience. If this law is passed what incentive is there for many of our young men to do the right thing and marry the ones they love?

I also see this as an excuse to promote sweethearting because if his wife decides to use this weapon against him then it leaves him with three choices: 1. Leave her for a woman who understands the role of a wife (divorce then remarry), 2. Find a sweetheart who is willing to meet his needs, or 3. Remain in the home powerless. Which choices do you think he would take?

1. A real man would never force his wife to have sex -- a real woman would never force her husband to have sex.

2. A real man would never withhold sex from his wife -- a real woman would never withhold sex from her husband.

3. His body is not his according to the Bible -- her body is not hers according to the Bible.

4. Sex is his obligation -- sex is her obligation.

Last but not least this would essentially be a double whammy against the man. That is, it would destroy his family, because it would force him to sweetheart or look for satisfaction elsewhere, and when this happens and the woman files for a divorce on the grounds that the man was sweethearting, the courts would not consider that it was the woman who initiated the whole thing by using her body as a weapon and depriving her husband of his rights. This same man then has to pay alimony and other expenses, why because he simply wanted to have sex with the woman God gave him to have sex with.

I urge this entire country to rise up against this foolishness. Marriage is the last institution known to man that he has control over without the threat of governmental interference and now our parliament is threatening to change that. So what if it is the law in other parts of the world. Don't make the same mistake here?

Many things are laws in other countries to which we don't subscribe, perhaps that is why those countries are in the mess they are in.

I challenge anyone who wants to debate this point.[1]

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